Risorse WordPress

How to hide a WordPress Administrator with a Plugin


The file provided is an install-ready WordPress Plugin in a .zip file format. Save it in a known location.

Install plugin throug WordPress’ administrative panel

  • log in to WordPress dashboard
  • from navigation menu click Plugin then Add New
  • click Upload or Upload Media to browse your folders then choose the downloaded file, which name should be
  • once the installation is complete you will find the plugin in WordPress’ Plugins Page

Activate plugin

  • log in to WordPress dashboard
  • from navigation menu click Plugin then Installed Plugins
  • find the plugin row, hover it with your mouse then click Activate
  • that’s all. From this moment on, none of the other users will know that you exist as administrator
La riga corrispondente al Plugin installato ma non attivato
La riga corrispondente al Plugin installato ma non attivato
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